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Main page SIF Loans

SIF Loans

Favorable loans with the support of Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIF) for the growth of your business


Types of loans

Soft Loan

Up to AZN 10 000 000 and with up to 5% annual interest rate

Up to 5%

Annual interest rate

Up to AZN 10 000 000

Maximum amount

Without the principal debt

Only interest on the loan is paid during the grace period


The grace period covers the first 1/2 period of the loan.

Who can benefit?

Entrepreneurs, whose project is approved by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIF)

Choose the right loan for your business
Type Term Amount
Small Loan Up to 3 years From AZN 5000 to AZN 50 000
Medium Loan Up to 5 years From AZN
50 001 to AZN
1 000 000
Large Loan Up to 10 years From AZN
1 000 001 to AZN
10 000 000

Equipment Loan

Buy or renew equipment and expand your business.

Up to 15%

Annual interest rate (50% subsidized by government)

Up to AZN 3 000 000

Maximum amount

Up to 36 months

Credit term

Up to 12 months

Grace period

What is Equipment Loan?

This discounted loan is for the purchase or renew business equipment.

Amount From AZN 5000 to AZN
3 000 000
Collateral Equipment to be acquired.
The down payment A minimum of 20% of the price determined during equipment valuation, and 10% for locally produced equipment